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Traducciones solicitadas - Everett

Idioma de origen
Idioma de destino

Resultados 21 - 27 de aproximadamente 27
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Idioma de origen
Islandés Hæstiréttur hefur dæmt fertugan karlmann í...
Hæstiréttur hefur dæmt fertugan karlmann í fimmtán mánaða fangelsi fyrir nauðgun, en frestað fullnustu tólf mánaða refsingarinnar.
Translate into United States English. Please translate literally, word for word.

Traducciones completadas
Inglés The supreme
Idioma de origen
Islandés Málsókn út af dónalegum Kristi
Styttan var meðal tuga annarra í innsetningu kínverska listamannsins Terence Koh.
Translate literally into US English in the remarks about the translation box.

Traducciones completadas
Inglés The statue was among ten other installations by Chinese artist Terence Koh.
Francés La statue était parmi dix autres installations de l'artiste chinois Terence Koh.
Idioma de origen
Inglés I am excited to begin learning.
I am excited to begin learning.
Translate into book language

Traducciones completadas
Noruego Det er spennende å skulle begynne å lære.
Idioma de origen
Inglés The concept of race
The concept of race is a construct of society that classifies people groups through shared physical looks. But mere outside look is limited in the reach to which it can describe a person. The color of the skin hides the true quality of the soul, while belief and behavior cannot be measured by the shape of a face.
Please translate literally - no exceptions for awkward expression.

Traducciones completadas
Islandés Hugtakið kynþáttur
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